If you had three wishes for a genie, what would you wish for? For this man, his three wishes were completely wasted. Take a look at what he asked for:
This was just stupid, he didn’t even get to eat any of the cheeseburgers. Hell, nobody did. The only thing this wish accomplished was making a giant mess that took days to clean up. I got in a goddamn car accident because my tires weren’t built to withstand messy cheeseburgers. This wish was especially dumb because the only way he could possibly be able to enjoy a single sky-burger is if he also wished for a big net to catch the burgers. Okay, are you straight up kidding me right now, dude? He could have wished for literally anything in the world, and he blew his second wish on some silly shit like this? He could have wished to end world hunger or for dinosaurs to be real, but instead he went and pulled this garbage? The worst part is now the bears can’t properly catch salmon or other prey because of the new shape of their mouths. This dingus single handedly caused the extinction of bears. No wonder Sarah left him.For the richest part of Lincoln to become the poorest, and the poorest to become even worse This one is just awful. How could a single person be this petty?