Flat-earthers be warned, all theories have been debunked and thrown out the window. A group of scientists who prefer to remain anonymous revealed shocking new results in a private interview with The DailyER. Their studies suggest that the earth is in fact round, but surprisingly show that the moon is actually flat.
“We weren’t expecting this to happen,” said the lead scientist of the anonymous group. “We went to the moon to take pictures and when we got there it was just flat.” A shocking revelation indeed!
The group told The DailyER that they did, in fact, see that the earth was round from their standing point on the flat moon, but they had trouble taking any photos. Apparently, every time they shifted to one side of the moon it kept flipping over and over itself until they went back to the middle.
“We thought the moon was just painted onto the sky before we went up there,” admitted multiple scientists in the group. “It might as well be with how flush the surface is.”
The team was so baffled with their discovery that they plan to return to the moon in a few months to discover why it looks different all the time.