This isn’t a movie review, it’s just a picture of me eating popcorn

For any of you who clicked this article thinking this was some review of a sub-par Netflix series or some indie film playing at the Ross, you’re in the wrong place. This is literally just a picture of me eating popcorn. Really. I’m not joking.

Today, I just decided to sit down on my couch in my less-than-appealing apartment in downtown Lincoln, Nebraska, and eat an entire bag of popcorn. My church sent me some Best Choice popcorn, and I was really hungry after a long day of class, so I zapped one of those suckers in the microwave and ate the entire bag in one sitting. Yep. I didn’t even have the TV on or anything. Just me sitting alone, eating popcorn in silence.

A lot of you may recognize the artwork behind me. That’s “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” by Japanese artist Hokusai. Yeah, it’s relatively common hipster artwork for dorm rooms and apartments, but I had a coupon to and thought it looked neat, so I bought it. Don’t judge me.

Uh, what else should I talk about here? This couch was from my parent’s house. It didn’t really get used all that much when I was still living at home, so I took it. I mean sure, why not? A free couch? I’m all for that! It’s not the most comfortable piece of furniture in the world, but it does its job.

But, yeah! That’s a little about the picture you see attached to this article. It’s literally just me eating popcorn on my parent’s old couch, with “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” in the background. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not a huge fan of movies, but I like some. I haven’t seen any new movies in a long time, so I couldn’t really write a movie review. I also don’t watch a lot of new TV shows, so I couldn’t review one of those either. So, yeah. I just sat on my couch and ate some popcorn. Thanks for reading.