Seventeen years ago today, 2,996 people died horrible, horrible deaths. Talk about a rotten day. Man, I don’t care what anyone else says; 9/11 sucked.
Ever since 9/11, I always thought to myself, “Man, what a bad day.” Say whatchu want, I didn’t like what happened at all. Who just goes out and hijacks planes? Well, I’ll tell you who: a bunch of jerks.
9/11 is basically the reason why the TSA upped their game. And, I guess that’s cool. But no one would’ve ever had the idea to crash planes into buildings if 9/11 never happened. Now going through airports is really lame. And we all have 9/11 to thank for that.
After 9/11, people got really scared of Muslims. And I don’t think that’s cool. If you ask me, 9/11 just gave a bunch of people a reason to be more racist. And, if I’m being completely honest, I think that’s really bad. God, I just don’t like 9/11; it was the worst.
I’m pretty sure 9/11 is the reason for the Patriot Act, too. And I’m told that’s not a good thing. I don’t really know much about it, but I don’t want to learn about it. And I never would’ve had the opportunity to if 9/11 never happened. So, that’s another reason why I don’t like 9/11 all that much.
I also don’t like war at all. I don’t think war is good. And people tell me 9/11 got us into a war, so, there’s that. I think the reason was that people in this other country did 9/11. And we didn’t like that at the time. So we had a war with them that we also didn’t like at the time. And that all just sounds really confusing to me. And I don’t like being confused. And I wouldn’t be confused if there was no 9/11.
So, yeah, 9/11 sucked. If you’re considering doing another 9/11, please don’t. It’s not a good thing to do.