Last Thursday, UNL junior Chet Manning uttered what he felt was “the joke of a lifetime,”
but felt the audience did not comprehend the enormity of his penis joke.
“Yeah, so, we were at Walmart in the wine and spirits aisle,” Chet told the DailyER, recalling that Thursday night, “and I grabbed a wine bottle and put it by my crotch. Like a penis!”
“Then I pretended to do the shopping cart,” Chet added, laughing uncontrollably while thrusting his hips. “Fucking classic, right?”
Despite the hilarity of Chet’s knee-slapper, the joke failed to penetrate the tight minds of the two friends who were with him. Chet felt his joke should have stimulated the audience more than it did.
“I just wanted to shoot some funny on my friends, is all. You know? There’s nothing wrong with showing everyone my giant dick joke.”