Point: The Great Outdoors
Fresh air, a cool breeze, incredible views, what could be better than the great outdoors? There are few things more therapeutic than climbing up a tree or feeling the soft grass on your feet. In addition to nature’s calming powers, the great outdoors presents views and vistas beyond our wildest dreams. No matter where you live, there are beautiful things to see. In Colorado you have mountains, in Nebraska you have the rolling sand hills, in Kansas you have feed lots. The point is, there is beauty everywhere. In celebration of Earth Day, I implore each person to spend more time outside than just the walk to class. Ride a bike, read a book outside, or hug a tree. Do something to explore this incredible planet before the likes of Donald Trump and Pete Ricketts make it too late.

Counterpoint: Bugs
The great outdoors? More like the great outsnores. Outside is trash. If you have ever felt the sheer terror of seeing a bee fly into your grape soda, you know that ever leaving the safety of inside is an act of lunacy. Who knows if that bee came out or not? If you sip will you get stung? If you get stung, will you die? These are impossible questions to answer, and far too dangerous to every try out. Bees aren’t even the worst of it. You also have ticks, centipedes, millipedes, pill bugs, ants, and spookiest of all, the evil cousin, the spider. The spider never stops plotting. The spider never stops hating you. These creatures are out to get you. The walls of our buildings are our only protection. Never, and I mean never go out into their domain unless absolutely necessary.