Point: Every night is Emo Nite
Growing up, I didn’t have many friends. No one invited me to hang out, so I spent a lot of time alone in my room. To fill up the silence, I listened to music so I wouldn’t feel alone. Even though I never met them, bands like My Chemical Romance and Dashboard Confessional were my best friends, my family. Now that I’m older, I have made actual friends, but there is still something about being alone in my room and blasting the soundtrack to my lonely teenage years. Even though that music was with me during the bad times, hearing it now makes those bad times seem like the good times. An Emo Nite will pop up in the area every now and then and they’re a lot of fun to go to. When I’m there, I’m listening to my music with people who felt broken like I did and sometimes still do. I don’t feel alone when I’m at Emo Nite. Things have been hard for me since my girlfriend broke up with me and I’ve been looking forward to the next Emo Nite. I’ve spent a lot more time alone in my room, just like I did back in high school. The only thing that gets me out of bed is my Spotify playlist. Once I hear “Ohio is for Lovers” or “Ocean Avenue,” I start to jump around, sing and feel good inside. In this, I realize that I can make every night in my room my personal Emo Nite. Everything’s going to be fine.
Counterpoint: Shut Up
Stop whining. Go out and get a beer. Seek some therapy. Emo is dead, nerd. Sorry if I’m hurting your feelings here, but it’s time to grow up. Emo Nite is about being stuck in the past and you’re letting the nostalgia hold you back from moving forward. You got this.