Senator Erdman’s minority friend tired of being mentioned in every conversation

In an article posted last month by Nebraska State Senator Steve Erdman, Erdman voiced his thoughts over the Universitiy of Nebraska-Lincoln’s decision to hire a vice chancellor of diversity, claiming that it would only make white Christian conservative males unsafe.

Students have responded to the senator’s speech in surprising ways. A few students reveled in the article’s awareness of the white Christian male population on campus, while others have seemingly barfed massive amounts of vomit, including those closest to Erdman. In defense of his article, Erdman insisted, “I have black friends and I have Hispanic friends.”

DailyER correspondent Mandy Gallup sat down with Erdman’s one African-American friend to discuss what it means to be the only friend of color within Erdman’s inner circle.

“It provides a very interesting insight to the world,” Nebraska native John Johnson said. “Every time we are in a social setting, like a party or a restaurant, Steve always says the notorious line, ‘I can’t be racist, I have black friends.’”

Sources confirmed to The DailyER that the infamous line “I can’t be racist, I have [specific race] friends” is typically preceded by a racist comment.

“I’m curious what he said before we met,” Johnson said. 

John Johnson, who met the senator through a mutual friend, has been friends with Erdman for nearly a month.

“He’s always asking me if I know any cool hip dances like the nae-nae or the yeet dance, and frankly my response is always no, because I’m a 58-year-old man. The last time I danced, it was the 70s.”

Johnson has often questioned the validity of this friendship, saying, “I feel like a token who’s winning nothing.”

Senator Erdman has since refused to comment, but he did provide The DailyER with a printout of his Facebook “friend list.”