Alpha Apple Pi has been placed under inspection after the body of one of its members was mysteriously found near the North Bottoms.
The sorority girls have refused to answer any of The DailyER’s texts, phone calls, Twitter DMs and emails.
The girl, Brittanie Klensun, was found with her pin removed and a candle burning labeled, “to the alumni.”
Klensun’s roommate, Miranda Knielson, has told her friends and family that she does not understand what happened.
“She was on her way to Monday Night Dinner rocking a light blue dress and tan heels,” Knielson said. “She was super excited to be in Alpha Apple Pi, I don’t know what could have happened.”
However, the mystery became slightly clearer as Klensun’s phone records came to the surface.
The top email’s subject line read “Dinner Dress Code—MUST READ” and was unread.
When Knielson opened the email, everything made sense.
“Brit was supposed to wear pink,” she said. “I’m sure they were not as impressed by her blue dress.”
When the police questioned the executive board of the sorority, each member only repeated one thing, “we followed the rules and did as we’ve been taught.”
Police have been investigating the situation since Monday night and are wondering if Klensun’s dress could have led to this tragedy.
The DailyER has done its own digging and finally found the rule within Alpha Apple Pi’s contract.
“Dress Code is to be obeyed at all times, for all events, and for each and every Monday Night Dinner, or the violator will be sacrificed to the elders.”