
Self-aware water bottle refilling station begins eliminating students

Campus officials at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are on high alert this week after reports of a water bottle refilling station at the Nebraska Union becoming self-aware and eliminating multiple students in recent days. The refilling station, located outside the ASUN student government office, is said to have targeted students with high-powered jets of water […] Read more

Waluigi: Donald Trump’s Muslim ban is immoral and unconstitutional

Wah! On Saturday night, federal judges ruled that portions of President Trump’s immigration ban, which barred refugees from several Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., were unconstitutional. Those who had been detained due to the executive order must now be freed. Wah-hah! This is a good start. Donald Trump’s ban shows a flagrant and troubling […] Read more

Insipid fake news editor hiding behind label “satire”

Lately, politicians and citizens alike have cracked down on media sources accused of spreading false and pandering information, or “fake news.” Recently, Nebraska officials have discovered a cowardly, wretched outlet that has blatantly released fake news, and has tried defending itself. At the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, The DailyER, an insipid spreader of fake news through […] Read more