Famous American rock and roll legend Thomas Earl “Tom” Petty has spent the past 40 years playing concerts to countless fans around the world, but it wasn’t until this past weekend that a lifelong dream of Petty’s was fulfilled. After years of struggling to break into the aeronautics game, Petty has at long last been awarded an honorary pilot’s license by the Gainesville Regional Airport just outside his hometown in Florida.
“Tom has spent the better part of twenty years learnin’ to fly, with little to no results. We figured now was as good a time as any.”
Petty, who was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame back in 2002, admits that he was surprised to finally be vindicated for his many years of toiling between the auspices of his two loves: music and flight.
“Well, I started out on a dirty road,” said Petty. “You wouldn’t believe how difficult it can be to fly when you ain’t got wings. I knew I wouldn’t back down from this challenge.
“I do have to say that even after my first few outings, I still think coming down is the hardest thing.”
Director of Flight Operations in Gainesville Gretchen Wilcox had exemplary things to say of Petty. He even held a ceremony to honor the singer/songwriter and present him with his certification.
“You got lucky, Tom. But I’m incredibly proud to be handing you this license,” said Wilcox at the ceremony.
“This award means more than I could say,” Petty said through restrained tears. “I’ve been runnin’ down this dream longer than I’d care to say.”
Wilcox told reporters after the ceremony that the residents of Gainesville are confident in their decision to provide an aging rocker with such a potentially dangerous means of destruction.
“He’ll ascend into the great wide open soon enough,” Wilcox concluded.