Truck driver Kerri Peters said she was happy with the “pretty decent” shower she took at the World’s Largest Truck Stop in Iowa last Thursday.
The shower in question, which costs two dollars per use and features a complimentary clock-radio bolted to the wall, is reportedly very popular with local transport professionals.
“It’s usually clean, which is a big plus,” fellow trucker Daniel Berg agreed. “And their towels approach white most of the time, except the weird pink one that floats around. I expect they keep it around for the ladies. It’s those softer touches that make the World’s Largest Truck Stop such a classy place to bathe.”
Peters did say that she prefers the shower in her own home, but that her travelling companion, a tabby named Miss Mittens, liked the old seat cushion employees place on the stall floor for her.
Asked whether she plans to return to the truck stop, Peters said she “probably would, I guess. Though I’ve heard the Flying J a few miles down offers free soap, so we’ll see.”