Asshole roommate somehow more racist after Christmas with family

Your asshole roommate is somehow more racist after spending a heartfelt Christmas holiday with his family, sources reported Friday.

According to startled and thoroughly disgusted sources, roommate Justin Wilson’s anti-minority rhetoric really took a turn for the worst as soon as he returned from winter vacation.

“My dad came up with an awesome joke over Christmas, bro. Ya wanna hear it?” Wilson asked with a sickening grin as he entered your shared apartment for the first time in weeks. Witnesses noted you quickening your pace as you desperately tried to finish the dishes before retreating back to your private bedroom.

Though Wilson has frequently shown subtle hostilities toward people of minorities, sources reported that the ensuing joke was far more offensive than Wilson’s previous quips, mockeries and microaggressions.

Wilson, who continued by reporting having a “wicked” time over break with his family, listed listening to the Infowars podcast around the fireplace with his family next to other common familial activities, like baking Christmas cookies and wrapping gifts.

“It was so great to see my parents and sisters over vacation,” reported Wilson as he unpacked a “Make America Great Again” stickered laptop from his camo backpack. “My mom is so proud of how much I’ve grown as a citizen and as a nationalist over the past few months.”

“I hadn’t sat down for a nice meal and discussed the importance of securing our borders with them for such a long time,” Wilson continued. “Plus, it’s always great to watch some post-dinner Sean Hannity while helping my dad with the dishes.”

Though Wilson retreated into his bedroom to peruse Breitbart News shortly after his bout of odious banter, sources reported him calling his parents to share a homophobic joke he’d recently heard at a party.