Courageous man keeps conversation going in busy elevator

Engaging and thoughtful intellectual discourse is perhaps one of the greatest parts of the subjective human experience. It is something that can seriously stimulate the mind and inspire great deeds instead of inactivity or confusion. In fair and constructive conversations between equals one must carefully and thoughtfully construct their argument. Points need to be defended, but minds must be open for change.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a center of purposeful and engaging higher learning, is an epicenter for such intellectual discussions. Here many minds and lives are changed for the better as students are exposed to and embraced in a larger, more nuanced world of thought. Students from every possible field of study are required to further their interpersonal skills to make these formative intellectual discussions among peers as productive as possible.

One core lesson every UNL student also learns is that one must always be prepared to continue and advance their argument in public as well as in private. If you crack up under the pressure of public speaking, your arguments are always damaged.

But some students go even beyond the regular academic call of duty. These true-hearted freedom-loving intellectuals boldly pursue their arguments and conversations wherever they go, constantly on the prowl for their next big mind-expanding and life-changing conversation.

And to be honest, those intellectuals are so beyond my minuscule (“normie” as they call it) mind that even writing this article about them has required unimaginable mental effort.

Owen Jerry is one of these brave, dare I say god-like, individuals, courageously diving right into a meaty conversation right as he and two of his friends walked into an already packed elevator location in Abel Hall the night of April 2nd.

“Just you wait, Chad, once we have fully functional sex robots we won’t even need women!” Owen said right as the elevator doors closed.