Professor takes ten years to respond to student email

“I’m gonna level with ya Brandon, your odds aren’t looking too good right now, this is gonna be real hard to pull off,” Professor Jerry Rassic told Brandon Jackson, a junior English major trying to squeeze in the credits for an archaeology minor while still graduating in four years. Despite the odds, Dr. Rassic was hopeful: “Don’t you worry, this ain’t my first rodeo.”

Brandon then emailed Dr. Rassic back immediately, inquiring what classes the renowned archaeologist/adventurer professor would recommend he take in a very well thought out, paragraph-long message.

That was ten years ago.

Brandon Jackson, now living in Fresno, California, is happily married to his wife Susan and has a two-year-old son with another child on the way. Brandon decided to ignore his English major after his band “The Jackson Ten” became wildly popular in Fresno along most of the west coast. He tours often, but has managed to keep up a stable and healthy marriage and family life in between his big gigs.

During an important practice sesh with the rest of his four-piece folk rock band in preparation for Coachella, Brandon received an email on his iPhone lacking even a subject line.

“Email Dr. Quincy for that information” was all it said. Attached was an email link for a professor that upon further investigation revealed was no longer working at UNL or alive.

“Damn, I forgot I even went to UNL, let alone that I wanted to get an archaeology minor,” stated Brandon when contemplating the meaning of the email. According to his fellow band mates, “We thought he had always lived in the Fres, I mean its been ten years, we didn’t even know he had gone to college.”

Brandon then, unprompted, made a giant car horn sound with his keyboard and screamed “TEN YEARS?! TEN YEARS MAN! TEN YEARS!!!” echoing Jeremy Piven from a 90’s assassin movie.

When The DailyER tried to track down this mysterious Dr. Rassic, we were only lead down a sparse, confusing bread-crumb trail of dusty cowboy hats, whips, Nazi gold and, strangest of them all, aliens, despite confirmation from Chancellor Ronnie Green that Dr. Rassic indeed existed and wasn’t, in fact, Indiana Jones.